ThriveCart Review [2021]: Everything You Need To Know About














  • Lots Of Multiple Features
  • Multiple Payment Processors
  • A/B split testing Available
  • Integrations With All The Popular Platfroms Available
  • 30 days money-back guarantee


  • Not Much checkout templates Available

If you really want to make money online then you have to sell your own products or services because affiliate programs really suck and we don’t really have control over affiliate programs.

The biggest downfall of affiliate programs is that they only pay us some percentage of share despite us doing all the hard work of selling their products.

When we sell our own products or services, we have complete control over them and nobody can sell those products and services better than us because we know all the insights about them.

But the big issue comes in selling our own products or services is: how and where do we sell our products? That’s where ThriveCart can help us, In this ThriveCart Review we’ll see how ThriveCart can help us sell our products and services online.

One option is to build our own eCommerce system but there are two things required to build our own eCommerce system:

  • So Much Time
  • Lots Of Money

Not everyone can spend thousands of dollars to build their own eCommerce system and not many people have so much time and skills too.

The best and wisest decision would be to select the best shopping cart software from the internet and set up our business on that platform to run our business without any hassle and technical skills.

There are tons of shopping cart platforms are available all over the internet and the one we will talk about in this post is ThriveCart.

Using ThriveCart you can sell physical products, digital products, memberships, courses, etc. ThriveCart makes selling anything so easy with its amazing checkout process and it can also be integrated with popular email marketing Platforms to set up a sales funnel.

So without wasting any time let’s see how good is ThriveCart, We’ll talk about ThriveCart’s features, How ThriveCart works, ThriveCart’s pricing, and all. I will cover everything in this in-depth ThriveCart Review.

Thrivecart Overview

Owned ByJosh Bartlett
Front-End Price$495/Lifetime
Product TypeEcommerce
SupportEffective Response
Official siteClick Here
RecommendedHighly Recommended
Skill Level NeededAll Levels

What Is Thrivecart?

ThriveCart is a software that helps you sell all types of products and services to your customers. It simply helps you to take payments from your customers in return for a product or a service you are selling them.

ThriveCart is a checkout platform but it isn’t the only thing ThriveCart can do, ThriveCart can create breathtaking checkout pages that will help you sell as many products as possible because “What Looks Good, Sells Good”.

ThriveCart can be integrated with so many popular platforms consists of email marketing Platforms, membership platforms, payment processor platforms, and much more.

ThriveCart was created by Josh Bartlett in 2016, and till now it has become a big brand in such a short period of time and ThriveCart is definitely one of the best shopping cart services.

ThriveCart’s real power is in its features (which we will talk about below), it’s an amazing platform to kickstart and grow your business to the next level.

Thrivecart Features & Benefits

After introducing to you what actually is ThriveCart and what exactly it does, Now Let’s talk about its features and how ThriveCart can benefit you and your business.

Payment Options

ThriveCart lets you take one-time payment or subscription-based payment from your customers for both physical products and digital products and that’s the one feature where ThriveCart is really good.

ThriveCart Review

You have complete control over how you want your customers to pay you like one-time payments, multiple payments like EMIs (without interest), recurring payments, and ThriveCart supports 22 currencies.


Customers love discounts and coupons so much and coupons push your customers to buy products quickly because of the expiry date of coupons.

ThriveCart lets you create coupons for your customers with an expiry date, and you also have the option to make a coupon valid if they come via a URL, That will also push your customers to share coupons with other people that will eventually increase your products sales.

Upsells, Downsells, And, Bump Offers

Offering your customers extra products at a time of checking out for a product can do wonders for your business and that’s what ThriveCart is specialized in, It happens with us also many times when we buy something online some extra products pop in front of us to buy.

That’s where most businesses make their most of money, ThriveCart give you lots of multiple options like offering trial and subscription-based payment so that your customers fully trust you and become your lifetime customers.

Checkout Pages

There are so many varieties of checkout pages available for you to use on ThriveCart, It all depends on you which kind of checkout page you want for your business.

These are the kind of checkout pages ThriveCart offers:

  • Single-step checkout page
  • Multi-step checkout page
  • Embeddable checkout page
  • Popup checkout page
  • Sales cart checkout page

A single-step checkout page helps your customers to buy your products quickly without any problem. On the other hand, the Multi-step checkout page makes your customer a little bit secure and it also looks very professional.

Embeddable checkout pages let your customers pay you for your products on that same page and what it does is it helps you collect more leads and it can also be embedded with your Facebook page.

Popup checkout page will popup a new element on that same so that your customers complete their payment without going to some other page and it really helps your business because the easier you will make things for your customers, the more they will buy.

Sales cart pages is a next-level game you can implement in this page to show your customers different testimonials, social proofs, and all So that it builds trust in front of your customers So that they buy your products without any hesitation.

A/B Testing

Keep testing for your business is important to know what’s working for your business and what’s not, That’s why ThriveCart lets you split test many things to improving your business according to your customers.

ThriveCart lets you split test different payment options like recurring payments and one-time payments, Countdown timer, Testimonials, Bump offers, Checkout process, and much more.

Features wise ThriveCart is the best Shopping Cart platform because you can tweak and test almost everything to finally know what suits you and your business best.

Affiliate Program

To sell your products more conveniently, every business should have an Affiliate program that makes your affiliates sell your products without you doing almost no hard work.

ThriveCart provides you in-built affiliate program so that your product’s affiliates can promote your product without involving any third party and that could save you so much money, If you are already familiar with this feature then you would know the cost and management of an Affiliate program are not easy at all.

Here also ThriveCart gives full control in your hand, You can rather auto approve or manually approve the affiliate requests, You will decide how much percentage of share your affiliates will earn, How they get paid, and the best part is you can change all of these settings whenever you want.

Set the cookie duration of your affiliate products, You can also provide the email to give support to your affiliates and you will also have the dashboard where you can analyze all the details like how many sales your affiliates generated, and check different stats like clicks, and payment failures, etc.

Sales Funnel

ThriveCart lets you create sales funnel that will help you convert more customers, You have the option to add upsell and downsell to that funnel. once you create an, upsell you also have the option of using that same page for a different funnel Which can be a very handy feature.

The editor is straightforward to use, and anyone can use it without any problem because it’s a drag and drop editor but keep in mind if Sales funnel is an important feature for you then ClickFunnels could be the best option for you rather than ThriveCart although ThriveCart is good if sales funnel feature is not a priority for you.


ThriveCart gives lots of options to their customers in terms of integrations with other various platforms like email marketing software, membership platforms, and, payment gateways, etc.

That’s a very important feature too because Integration with other different platforms is important when we try to sell our products, It helps our business a lot and it also builds trust in front of our customers when they see all these popular platforms.

Payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, Apple Pay, Authorize.Net, and GooglePay are available at ThriveCart and most importantly ThriveCart can also be integrated with Zapier.

How To Use Thrivecart?

Next up let’s see how to use ThriveCart and we’ll know how to set up a new product.

  • Click on “Create new product” when you are in the dashboard area to start setting up a product.
  • Now you will see multiple options where you need to add your product name, product’s quantity, Select product category, and finally add product name.
  • In the next step add the payment options and set the price of your product, select whether you want to charge your customers a one-time fee or recurring subscription-based payment, choose the currency, and select if you want to offer a trial or not.
  • Next, enter your email address where you can provide support for your customers.
  • At last, select the checkout process you want for your customers like I mentioned above in this ThriveCart Review there are multiple checkout pages available.

It will not take you much time to set up and add a new product and using ThriveCart isn’t hard at all but at the initial stage if you face any problems you can refer to free video tutorials available on YouTube.

Thrivecart Demo

Who Should Use Thrivecart?

No matter if you want to sell digital products or physical products ThriveCart can do it for you, even if you want to sell any service, Consultancy, and, Training, etc.

ThriveCart is the perfect platform for you if you want to sell anything to your customers online. ThriveCart can be integrated with almost every popular platform available online which in my opinion makes this software Unbeatable.

ThriveCart can also be integrated with Shopify and then your customers will checkout using ThriveCart, It can be integrated with any E-commerce website to collect payments easily.

Selling any service can be a little bit tricky with ThriveCart, In the place of your product name you have to write the name of the service you are providing like website development, Content writing, etc. Overall selling a service is possible on ThriveCart but it’s a little bit tricky.

Collecting subscription-based recurring payments is also very easy at ThriveCart because you personally don’t have to do much, Everything will work fully automated with the help of ThriveCart.

Sell any courses, training program, products, Integrate with all the famous platforms, everything is possible with ThriveCart which makes complete sense why so many people are shifting to ThriveCart from their present platforms.

Is Thrivecart Worth Buying?

Now let’s talk about If you should Buy ThriveCart over other Shopping cart platforms or not?

My answer would be It depends! Because it depends on the type of business you are looking to set up, assume that you are looking for a shopping cart platform with the best sales funnel provider on the internet then I think ClickFunnels would be a far better option than ThriveCart.

In such a small period of time ThriveCart really showing its worth to everyone considering its features and popularity and even If we compare ThriveCart with other shopping cart platforms Then Overall ThriveCart is my #1 choice because of its top-notch features, flexibility, and multiple options for their users in every aspect of the software.

First, you have to ask yourself what are the features that are most important for your business and then consider if ThriveCart provides those features or not and If it doesn’t provide those features then I think you should look somewhere else but Overall ThriveCart is the go-to shopping cart Platform.

Thrivecart Pricing

Now let’s talk about how much ThriveCart will actually cost you:

Lifetime Access – $495 (One-Time Payment)

Currently, ThriveCart is offering a deal which in my opinion is a steal of a deal only if you are looking to do a long term business. The cost of ThriveCart is $495/lifetime, So what ThriveCart is saying us is to pay us once and receive all the benefits, future updates for a lifetime.

ThriveCart is also offering a Pro option which will cost you an extra $195 but it will give you more powerful features like Affiliate center, Auto sales tax calculation, Advanced user management, JV contracts, and much more.

ThriveCart Review

Cost wise I think ThriveCart is definitely one of the best shopping cart tools out there in the market plus the kind of features it’s providing but keep in mind that this price won’t stay forever because it’s ThriveCart’s pilot program.

Once this pilot program gets over, The same tool will cost you $97/Month on a recurring basis so I would highly recommend you to grab this opportunity to get ThriveCart for a lifetime.

If for some reason you didn’t like the tool, ThriveCart is also offering you a 30-day money-back guarantee which completely put you in a safe position and you can ask for a refund within the first 30 days although I know you would like using ThriveCart.

There are other shopping cart platforms like SamCart that are charging recurring payments from their customers every single month which can be too hard to pay for some people especially at the initial stage of their business.

I really like this one-time payment concept of ThriveCart because it just releases all the stress from ourselves of paying the recurring payment over and over again every month.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I will answer some frequently asked questions about ThriveCart that may be you are searching all over the internet.

Is ThriveCart Free?

No, ThriveCart is not free, and neither there is a trial version available for ThriveCart.

Is ThriveCart Legit?

Yes, of Ofcourse ThriveCart is fully legit and one of the best checkout platform.

Is Using ThriveCart Easy?

Yes, it’s easy super easy to use ThriveCart, but even if you face any problem while using ThriveCart you can watch video tutorials of ThriveCart on YouTube.

How Good Is ThriveCart Support?

The support of ThriveCart is top-notch, they reply to your queries as soon as possible and the best part is they are kept on improving the support quality.

Will You Get ThriveCart Future Updates?

Yes, Not only future updates but you will also receive the new features ThriveCart will add to its platform.

Thrivecart Review Conclusion

I hope you liked this complete in-depth ThriveCart Review, I’m really impressed with the overall ThriveCart platform because of its wide range of features, excellent one-time price, integration with all the popular platforms and tools.

ThriveCart for me is a complete package where you don’t need to worry about anything other than your own product or service and the main reason we spend money on a tool so it can do things for us on Auto mode and we keep doing business without any worry.

If you are just starting out to set up your new business and want to sell your valuable product or service to the world then I would highly recommend you to buy ThriveCart.

Don’t forget to ask questions regarding ThriveCart in the comments below, if you have any doubt or confusion regarding ThriveCart.

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